Map 2 of 4
Map 3 of 4

Map 4 of 4
Map1 of 4
ramp and rail
ramp and rail
ramp and rail
ramp and rail
Identified rocks are coloured green with bold italics for numbers in the catalogue and first column in the database.  Small numbers are the position of all stones on the terrace (2nd column in database), starting at the road end.  Although the above map gives an impression of gaps between the stones (for clarity), the stones are, in fact, almost touching each other (see photograph above map 1).  Some samples have more than one number on them, some have none at all.  If you look them up in the catalogue (see link at top of page) some have identifying features described, some have very little indeed.  They are in no particular order, in no particular orientation and some have been placed upside down!