Thin Section 91 Osmington Oolite Pisolite
Trace Fossil Spongelio morpha Redcliff Point
White Nothe 1996

A selection of photographs of the Dorset coast, a World Heritage Site, taken by Professor Michael House over a span of 50 years
The Dorset GA has over 1000 of these recordings

Bowleaze Cove to Arish Mell
Trace fossil Gyrophyllites
Trace fossil Diplocriterion
Bowleaze Cove toward Redcliff Point 1985
Black Head 1984
Osmington 1993
Thin Section 100: Osmington Oolite
Arkell's Bed 6 BRan Point, Osmington Mills
Ringstead 1950
Bat's Eye 1984     
Durdle Door 1993
Man o' War 1991
St Oswald's Bay 1991
Stair Hole 1993
Lulworth Crumple 1995
Thin Section 106: Wealden Grit
Durdle Door
Lone Cove 1983
Thin Section 109: U Greensand Durdle Door
1984 Fossil Forest and 1999
Lulworth Cove 1993
Broken Beds 1969
Mupe rocks and Bacon Hole1984
Arish Mell 1993
SEM Osmington Oolite
Osmington 1985
Thin Section 111 U Greensand Durdle Door
click on thin sections for larger images & more information
Michael's field transparencies and rock thin sections were made available to the DGAG for public use by Felicity House in 2003.  DGAG members Peter Bath has produced many new thin sections to fill in the gaps and Leon Sparrow scanned all material to disc
Thin Section 116 Salt Pseudomorph Bed
east of Lulworth Cove
Thin Sections 103 (ppl) & 104 (xpl) Pink Lignite Beds Wealdon Beds, Durdle Door
Ringstead 1985
1985 Bat's Head
Lulworth Cove 1984
Thin Sections 95 & 99, Arkell's Bed 1, west of Bran Point, Osmington Mills