The Dorset Geologists’ Association Group (DGAG) was founded in 1993 and is a Local Group affiliated with the Geologists’ Association
…for all geologists, both professional and amateur.
Geologists are generally a friendly and enthusiastic bunch and we like to think we’re not an exception! We work alongside a number of local and regional groups promoting the earth sciences and geoconservation. These include Dorset’s Important Geological Sites (DIGS), the Wessex branch of the Open University Geological Society (OUGS), Rockwatch and the Jurassic Coast Trust.

Try out one of our DGAG events, including field trips, workshops and other social gatherings, and consider joining us. Whether you are an absolute beginner or seasoned ‘rockhound’, you’ll be very welcome.
DGAG members also receive a quarterly newsletter, as a printed copy. A digital version is also available.

Membership Renewal
All annual membership payments are due in January.
However, if you joined us in September or later you have a year’s ‘grace’ before renewing your membership. For example, if you joined in October 2023 you only need to renew in January 2025 (not January 2024)
Download a Membership Application form in DOCX or PDF format.
Alternatively, use the web form, below.
Membership Application Form
I wish to apply for membership of the Dorset Geologists’ Association Group (DGAG)
Aims of the Dorset Geologists’ Association Group (DGAG)
- To promote Dorset Geology.
- To hold field trips/lectures in Dorset and surrounding areas – not necessarily limited to famous locations but also to less well known coastal and inland areas.
- To promote geological interest among school children and help schools to make full use of local facilities within the Earth Science curriculum.
- To compile and maintain a list of people and resources with specialist/general knowledge of Dorset Geology and potential field trip leaders which would be available on request. The existence of this list to be widely publicised.
- To monitor temporary/new exposures and to help keep the data base at the Dorset Environmental Records Office up to date concerning geological matters.
- To distribute information in the form of the national/local circular to members and interested parties.
- To co-operate with the Local RIGS Group and to participate with local Rockwatch Groups.
- To participate in any promotion/campaign run by the Geologists’ Association Office (within reason)
- To correspond with other local societies for the mutual benefit of all.
1.1 The Group shall be known as the Dorset Geologists’ Association Group.
2.1 To promote Dorset Geology.
2.2 To hold field trips and lectures in Dorset and surrounding areas – not necessarily
limited to famous locations.
2.3 To promote geological interest among school-children and help schools to make
full use of local Earth Science facilities.
2.4 To compile and maintain a list of resources and people with specialist/ general
knowledge of Dorset geology and potential field trip leaders, which would be
available on request.
2.5 To monitor temporary or new exposures and help to keep the data base at the
Dorset Environmental Records Centre up- dated concerning geological matters.
2.6 To distribute information in the form of the local/national circular to members and
interested parties.
2.7 To cooperate with the local DIGS group and to participate with local Rockwatch
2.8 To participate in any promotion or campaign run by the GA central office as
considered appropriate.
2.9 To liaise with other local societies fur mutual benefit.
3.1 Membership shall be open to any person who applies for membership and pays
the appropriate subscription.
4.1 The Group’s year shall run from January 1st. to December 31st.
4.2 The annual subscription shall be proposed for approval at the AGM held at the
beginning of each year when the subscription becomes due.
4.3 lf a subscription has not been received March 1st. membership is deemed to
have lapsed.
4.4 The Treasurer shall prepare audited accounts of the Group’s finances for
presentation at the AGM. Accounts will be will be audited by a suitable person who is
not a member of the DGAG Committee.
4.5 If the Group ceases to exist any assets remaining after the settlement of
outstanding debts shall be transferred to the Geologists’ Association.
5.1 Government of the Group shall be carried out by the Committee which will consist
of the following Officers:
Events Coordinator
Newsletter Editor
Publicity Officer
Quick Response Officer
Ordinary Members
Specialists can be co-opted onto the Committee by the Committee to do specific
tasks when the need arises.
6.1 There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in January.
6.2 A Special General Meeting may be called at the request of the Committee to
debate a specific motion.
A minimum of four weeks’ notice must be given in writing to members.
6.3 Officers serve on the Committee for one year after which they tender their
resignation at the AGM. They may offer to stand for re-election.
6.4 Nominations for election as officers should reach the Secretary two weeks before
the AGM and be accompanied by the written consent of the nominee.
6.5 If there are two or more candidates for any one post an election by paper ballet
will be held. Election shall be decided by simple majority.
6.6 If any officer is unable to perform their allotted task the Committee may co-opt
another member onto the
Committee he perform the task as long as it is required.
7.1 The Committee shall meet at least twice a year.
7.2 A quorum of the Committee should consist of 5 members.
7.3 Minutes shall be taken of Committee and General Meetings; copies of the latter
shall be circulated to all
members. Minutes of Committee meetings can be forwarded to members on
8.1 The Committee reserve the right to expel any member who acts against the
interest of the group. The member shall have the right of appeal to the membership
at a General meeting.
9.1 Amendments re the constitution shall be made by a 23 majority of members
voting at a General meeting.
1.11.1993, Amended 14.1.1995.
DGAG Committee Members
President/DIGS Liaison Alan Holiday
Chairman John Scott
Secretary/Newsletter Kelvin Huff
Treasurer Jackie Steadman
Events Chris Webb
Field Trip Officer Vacant
Website Geoff Rowland
DBS Liaison Sheila Alderman
OUGS Liaison Jeremy Cranmer
Sales Richard Barrett
Ordinary Andy Steadman
Ordinary Bob Chandler