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Field Trip: Lyme Regis

October 11 @ 10:30 am - 4:00 pm

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a Field Trip on the Saturday 11th October 2025.
Title: Lyme Regis
Leader : John Scott
Time: to be advised
Location: to be advised
Entry Cost: to be advised
Booking: to be advised
Description: You may have seen the proposed Autumn fieldtrips in the December newsletter.
Full details will follow closer to these dates on the scope, how to express your interest in joining us, what to bring, and where to meet etc.
Feel free to keep an eye on both the DGAG website and facebook pages for all updates on these.
We will need willing volunteers to write each of the trips up and thank you in advance for this and of course to the trip leaders above.
I look forward to catching up with you during the year.
Jonathan Stiby
Fieldtrip Officer
Photo: Courtesy of DGAG – Lyme Regis harbour and cliffs
Additional Refrences/Links: More as and when available
1. Gallois, R.W. Field excursion to examine the geology and landforms of the Charmouth-Lyme Regis area. 2001. Geoscience in south-west England , Vol 10, 243-246.
2. Must see website by Ian West:
West, Ian M. 2019. Lyme Regis, Westward. Part of Geology of the Wessex Coast. (including part Jurassic Coast, Dorset and East Devon UNESCO World Heritage Site) Internet geological field guide. Update: Enlarged and revised at various dates including, 1st Ocrtober 2019


October 11
10:30 am - 4:00 pm
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Lyme Regis
Lyme Regis, Dorset United Kingdom + Google Map