Field Trip: Poxwell Pericline

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) will host a field trip on the Saturday 23 Sept 2023
Title: Poxwell Pericline
Leader: Jeremy Cranmer
Time/Location: Exact meeting time, location and further important information will be forwarded upon registration via email but a start at about 10am and finish approximately 4pm.
Cost: No fee
Registration Contact:
Open to the public as well – but with a number limit so on a first registered basis
Event Description: Exploration of the geology of the famous Poxwell Periclne led by Jeremy, see references below for a flavour of the geology and contact Jeremy for more details.
Photo:  Courtesy of Southampton University and Ian West website link noted below
Further Reading: Many historical references but good place to start is Ian West website

Field Trip: Somerton & Langport quarries

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) & combined with the Bristol Naturalists’ Society will host a field trip on the Saturday 24 June 2023.

Title: Field Trip: Somerton & Langport quarries
Leaders: Simon Carpenter and Dr. John Whicher (DGAG)
Time/Location: Meet at 11am at Ashen Cross Quarry, south of Somerton, Somerset. UK ordnance survey Grid reference ST 495 275. Further important information will be forwarded upon registration. Expected finish is at approximately 3:30pm.
W3W address: \\\ span.adopters.biked.
Post Code: TA11 7JW
Cost: £2 collected on the day Registration:
Contact: Please email to book a place. Open to the public as well – but with a number limit so on a first registered basis
Trip Description: The meeting visits two working quarries, Ashen Cross Quarry, Somerton and Bowdens Quarry, Langport. Both quarries have extensive exposures of marine Late Triassic rocks and some of the lowest beds of the Blue Lias. An impoverished fauna of invertebrates, mainly bivalves can be found as well as less common vertebrates including Ichthyosaur and plesiosaur remains. Collecting is permitted. A number of vertebrate fossils collected from both quarries will be displayed on the day. Bring a packed lunch and sturdy footwear. Hard hats are required and there will be a limit in numbers, so bookings are essential.

Further Reading:

Photo: Courtesy of Dr. John Whicher

Field Trip:Purbeck Quarries day

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) will host a field trip on the Thursday 13 July 2023
Title: Field Trip: Purbeck Quarries day
Leader: John Scott
Time/Location: Meeting time, location and further important information will be forwarded upon registration but a start at about 10am and finish approximately 4pm.  BH19 3LB Worth Matravers
Cost: £2 collected on the day Registration:
Contact: : Open to the public as well – but with a number limit so on a first registered basis
Event Description: Exploration of the geology of nicely preserved Late Jurassic age rock quarries in the Purbecks: Landers Quarry (viewing courtesy of Trev Haysom) then Winspit/Spyglass Quarry (Historically also known as Keates Quarry) visits and a neat fossil collection in Square & Compass – Worth Matravers/for Lunch (each attendee pays for their own lunch)
Photo: Courtesy of National Trust Sign
Further Reading: Check out the DGAG Rock and Fossil Trail Site (RAFTS) map link below to get further references and simple Google map to one of the quarry sites (RAFTS0009)


Field Trip Frogden Quarry

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) will host a field trip on the Saturday 10 June 2023
Title: Field Trip: Frogden Quarry
Leader: Dr. Robert Chandler
Time/Location: Meeting time, location and further important information will be forwarded upon registration but a start at about 10am and finish approximately 4pm.
DT9 4JU Sherborne
Cost: £2 collected on the day
Registration: Contact Open to the public as well – but with a number limit so on a first registered basis
Event Description: Exploration of the rock outcrop geology of nicely preserved former quarry courtesy of the current manager and a key exposure of Middle Jurassic fossil rich section.
Photo: Courtesy of:

Further Reading: Publication:
Revision of the stratigraphy of the Inferior Oolite at Frogden Quarry, Oborne, Dorset, UK. Chandler et al. 2014.

Field Trip Worbarrow Bay

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) will host a field event on the Saturday 20 May 2023
Title: Field Trip Worbarrow Bay: Evidence of Climate and Environmental Changes in the Cretaceous, Worbarrow Bay, Dorset
Leader: Jeremy Cranmer is an amateur geologist who lives in West Dorset very near to the Jurassic Coast
Time/Location: Meeting time, location and further information will be forwarded upon registration but a start at about 10:30am and finish approximately 4pm
Cost: £2 collected on the day
Registration: Contact Open to the public as well – but with a number limit so on a first registered basis
Event Description: Exploration of the rock outcrop geology in Worbarrow Bay as a re-run of the trip Jeremy Cranmer led in 2017. Lulworth Ranges are open. Low tide (Mupe Bay) is at 12:55 hrs.
By starting at the summit of the Purbeck Hills we shall gain an overview of the geology of the valley we are about to visit so that we can understand how the landscape has been developed by the underlying geology.
We shall then visit the coast at Worbarrow Bay which cross-cuts this valley to follow the Cretaceous succession through its various climate and sea level changes between the Portland Stone and the Chalk.
Jeremy says “I have never visited this location without noticing something new.”
• At the starting point, Whiteways Viewpoint, Povington Hill SY 888811, we shall look at the overall geology of the Purbeck Hills, especially how they underlie and control the hills and the Tyneham valley.
• We shall then travel by car to the NT Car Park at Tyneham (SY 882802) – payment at the “honesty box” (£2) and walk along the made-up track to Worbarrow Bay. There are toilets at the car park. However, there are no amenities at the bay
• Examine the upper Jurassic succession exposed on the west side of Worbarrow Tout, in terms of rock types and fossil content. Lunch. Study the sands and clays of the Wealden exposed in the bay itself, noting bedforms.
• Examine successive strata from fallen blocks and slumps on the beach at Cow Corner
Fairly level walking on surfaces varying from made-up paths and tracks, boulders to shingle and soft sands. 6km. Walking on pebbles can be strenuous. Some boulders may be encountered in Punfield Cove.
This expedition should be of particular interest to anyone studying environmental science as well as geologists.

Further Reading: Ian West excellent website summary; Worbarrow Bay and Worbarrow Tout: Geology of the Wessex Coast of Southern England,shales%20of%20the%20Purbeck%20Formation