Talk -To be Confirmed provisional “Archaeology and Sarsens in Dorset Prehistory with some Geological Touches”

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 19th November 2024.
Title: To be Confirmed but provisional something like “Archaeology and Sarsens in Dorset Prehistory with some Geological Touches”
Speaker: To be Confirmed: Dr. Hayley Roberts
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: Details will be forthcoming nearer the date of the talk but likely to revolve around a fascinating review of the latest exciting local Dorset Archaeology with an undercurrent of geology.

Photo:  Courtesy of the website

Additional Links:
1. Archaeology website
2. Archaeology blog site

Talk – A Geological Tour of Namibia

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 20 February 2024.
A Geological Tour of Namibia
Speaker: Alan Driscole (DGAG member) – forty years in the oil & gas business including the Atlantic margin from the Barents Sea south to …… Namibia
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: From some of the oldest fossils and highest dunes in the world to the largest meteorite, Namibia is a geological treasure house. In this talk we’ll explore the history of Namibia; from the Precambrian to the present day, making a diversion offshore to see how this history has been controlled by the formation and dismemberment of Gondwanaland. We’ll also discuss Namibia’s emerging important for both “old” energy and the energy transition.
Photos A & B: Courtesy of the speaker
A: Dunes at Sossusvlei
B: The Hoba meteorite (with the speaker for scale)

Talk -Aspects of the geology of the Hampshire Basin – “an idiosyncratic view”

Dorset Geologist’s Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 21 November 2023.

Title: Aspects of the geology of the Hampshire Basin – an idiosyncratic view

Speaker: Tony Cross with an educational and entertaining talk on a “basin scale” that will be a mix of geology and human history. A talk to get everyone thinking of our place in history and geology!

Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm

Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR

Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry

Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:

Talk Description: ‘A conscientious scientist who gives a title like this must feel that his chief debt is to the contemporaries and predecessors who actually did the work and made the discoveries’ – this paraphrases Derek Ager (1923–1993) whose book Introducing Geology (1961) started the speaker on a geological journey that has lasted a lifetime. Having been born and raised in Dorset, Tony Cross was drawn to what was on his doorstep and maintained an interest in the geology of his own county despite pursuing a career in the earth sciences which took him to many faraway places. This talk is a personal look at Dorset’s geology from many different viewpoints reinforcing the notion that what is under one’s feet is much more than an academic subject few have the opportunity to study

Photos: Courtesy of the speaker; Lulworth Cove – historical, Swanage Churchyard