Talk -The Art of Sand from the Isle of Wight to Iowa: Part 2: Iowa

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 18th March 2025.
Title: The Art of Sand from the Isle of Wight to Iowa: Part 2: Iowa
Speaker: Phil James
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: Details will be forthcoming nearer the date

Photo: Courtesy of the speaker when available, until then for your interest the current introduction photo is from Iowa courtesy of  Smithsonian Institution

Additional Links: To be added when available

Talk -The Art of Sand from the Isle of Wight to Iowa: Part 1: Isle of Wight

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 21st January 2025.
Title: The Art of Sand from the Isle of Wight to Iowa: Part 1: Isle of Wight
Speaker: Phil James
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: Details will be forthcoming nearer the date

Photo: Courtesy of the speaker when available, until then for your interest
the current introduction photo is from the Isle of Wight: Alum Bay courtesy of:

Additional Links:
1. To be added when available
2. Isle of Wight: Alum Bay

Talk -The Complex Geology of the Somerset Coalfield

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 10th December 2024.
Title: The Complex Geology of the Somerset Coalfield
Speaker: Andy Gordon
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: Details will be forthcoming nearer the date but promises to be a delve into a very interesting set of coal measures and associated deposits.

Photo: Courtesy of the speaker when available

Additional Links:

  1. British Upper Carboniferous Stratigraphy :


2. A useful starter explanation:

Talk -To be Confirmed provisional “Archaeology and Sarsens in Dorset Prehistory with some Geological Touches”

Dorset Geologists Association Group (DGAG) will host a talk on the Tuesday 19th November 2024.
Title: To be Confirmed but provisional something like “Archaeology and Sarsens in Dorset Prehistory with some Geological Touches”
Speaker: To be Confirmed: Dr. Hayley Roberts
Time: Talk will start at 7pm; finish approximately 8pm
Venue: Activity Meeting Room: Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester, DT1 1RR
Lecture Entry Cost: £6 (£5 for DGAG members) collected on room entry
Booking a seat: Contact DGAG events at email:
Talk Description: Details will be forthcoming nearer the date of the talk but likely to revolve around a fascinating review of the latest exciting local Dorset Archaeology with an undercurrent of geology.

Photo:  Courtesy of the website

Additional Links:
1. Archaeology website
2. Archaeology blog site